From Electronics Enthusiast to Biomedical Engineering PhD: My Journey in Engineering and Programming

From Electronics Enthusiast to Biomedical Engineering PhD: My Journey in Engineering and Programming

Hi everyone, my name is AmirMohammad Azarmehri. I am a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. I have always been passionate about electronics and programming, and this passion has driven me to pursue a career in engineering.

Early Interests:

My interest in electronics began at a young age when I started building educational electronic kits. This experience helped me grasp the fundamental concepts of electronics and ignited my desire to learn more. I gradually moved on to programming AVR microcontrollers, and the sense of accomplishment I felt from creating my own circuits further motivated me to explore this field.

High School and Achievements:

In high school, I continued to develop my skills in electronics and programming. I learned to program ARM microcontrollers using C++, developed software applications using C#, and designed PCBs using Altium software. My passion for electronics and programming led me to participate in the Khwarizmi Youth Award in 2010, where I won first place in the robotics category as part of a three-person team. This achievement was a significant milestone in my journey and further solidified my interest in engineering.

Undergraduate Studies:

In 2013, I was admitted to the prestigious Ferdowsi University of Mashhad without the need for an entrance exam, based on my outstanding academic performance. I chose to study Electrical Engineering with a focus on Control Systems, as I was fascinated by the concepts of linear algebra and signal processing. During my undergraduate studies, I further developed my programming skills by learning MATLAB and Python. I also became interested in web development and learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Master’s Degree and Research:

In 2017, I was accepted into the Master’s program in Biomedical Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology. My interest in this field had developed during my undergraduate studies, and I saw it as an opportunity to combine my passion for engineering with my desire to make a positive impact on the healthcare sector. During my master’s studies, I continued to enhance my programming skills in Python and developed various web applications for companies. My thesis focused on ultrasound imaging, and I delved into the complexities of image processing and parallel programming to tackle the computational challenges involved.

PhD Studies and Current Research:

In 2020, I began my PhD studies in Biomedical Engineering at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. My current research focuses on the analysis of LFP brain signals and the mathematical modeling of different brain regions. This research has allowed me to combine my expertise in signal processing, programming, and engineering to address real-world problems in the field of neuroscience.


Throughout my journey, I have been driven by my passion for electronics, programming, and engineering. I believe that engineering has the potential to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, and I am committed to using my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on society.

Call to Action:

I hope my story has inspired you to pursue your own passions in engineering and programming. If you have any questions or want to connect, feel free to reach out to me through my website or social media.


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